Sites of memory identifies with each and every person, this is due to people experiencing different feelings and emotions when seeing the same thing. History plays an important part within this as it is how we as humans remember things and create cognitive attachments to these memories. In exploration of this I have created a project titled `Hold On, I Still Need You`. Four years ago my friend attempted to take her own life. Through progressive help and much work my friend is now in a much more positive place. This book is a collaborative project in which, together, we are seeking to celebrate this fact. This collaboration is created by both me and my friend travelling to areas that she deems are important to look back upon what my friend has achieved and overcome. I believe that this book can be used by my friend to show people so that they can begin to understand what she is going through but in a physical element that someone can look through and takes away from awkward interactions. This is also something that my friend can use to help her, and I am honoured to be a part of this.