Difference can be described in many ways however, the most common is "a point or way in which people or things are dissimilar." Through an investigation about rituals, I came upon states of work people are in and how this is affected by their social class and the perception that society gives them. Using these ideas and public perception of what people in roles or classes are believed to be, I have explored what different people use to cope in the world that they live in. This varies from prescription drugs to manage depression and anxiety to having isolated periods of time alone so that they can deal with the world around them. And some even being draw to alcohol to cope and maintain the strong face for public perception. For this project I have used real world examples of these struggles, these are people who I have only recently met at university but still have had the courage to come out against these struggles. These are also individuals from different class and cultural backgrounds which reinforces the fact that no matter the difference between one another we are all linked and can be affected by similar things, whilst still keeping what makes us special and different so that we can make a difference.